Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Sport Health in Action

Many thanks to Terry Holladay & Ros Fairbanks-Nideffer for lending their expertise in the tennis drills and sharing a few insights from their personal experiences of mental training from years of playing tour tennis during the Women's Peak Performance Training Clinics at Fairbanks Ranch Country Club and Lomas Santa Fe Country Club in San Diego. After the classroom training participants experimented with mental concepts in various playing scenarios. The challenge for many adult league players is finding time to make the transition in their day from work, kids, errands and little time to mentally prep for matches. The concepts are presented so each player can customize a quick shift to player mode prior to match play and include techniques and reminders to bring their focus back when it drifts off in matches. The players brought their enthusiasm to become a stronger team and benefit individually as they learned how the mind-body feedback systems work and influence their ability to perform up to their capabilities during match play.

Nancy: "I attended Susan Zaro's Sport Psychology/Peak Performance combo workshop. We learned about how our mind-body feedback systems work during competition and how to regulate with breathing and mental exercises. It is all very cutting edge and her techniques extend to everything you do in life. I thought Susan and the program were

Thanks Nancy, keep improving in all areas of your game :-)..thank you ladies for your great participation...Play on.....

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks for providing useful information. This is very useful info for the members of The Farms Country Club San Diego.