Monday, March 30, 2009


Some say you can go home again. Others say you can't. Either way it will always be different due to time passing. Life moves forward. This past weekend U.C.L.A. threw a Women's Tennis Reunion
and I choose to go home again to visit my Bruin past and see what's new in the present.

It's refreshing how many things have changed for the better. Attending a d-1 school is a journey of
balancing academics, sport, work-outs, training, travel and engaging in the college's a 24/7
task. U.C.L.A. has the most amazing facilities, services, and athlete support. This school is
"getting it right" for their athletes!

It was incredibly refreshing to see the changes and fun playing again with players of the past and present. Congratulations Stella! It was a wonderful weekend.
Goooooooooooooo Bruins!

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