Thursday, December 4, 2008


Girls4Sport (, based in Santa Cruz,CA., designs and manufactures high quality performance clothing for active girls for all ages. Girls4Sport promote camps and clinics that provide learning opportunities and inspiration for girls of all ages to lead active lives. Leanne Salandro and Kim Ruby are co-owners of Girls4Sport. I recently had the opportunity to chat with Leanne & Kim about the company, and their peak performance perspective of business.

Interview with Leanne & Kim:

Z: Girls4Sport has grown quite a bit in the last 5 years.What are 3 essential ingredients for success that future female entrepreneurs should know before starting a business?

LS: Know that with every big step forward, there are side steps, backwards steps and quite a few stumble steps on the way, is #1. Be ready for anything and keep that sense of humor handy.
#2, all those steps, they just make you smarter (a bonus!). #3, follow what you know is right. We've had to make decisions based on money, time, resources, etc. but the biggest guiding force should always be what you know is best for your business and customers. That simply gets tempered by money, time, resources and all the rest.

Z: How does the statement, "Without Risk There Is No Success" apply to your success as a company?

LS: Without risking time, money and face, we wouldn't have anything but an idea, some sketches and some words on paper. We risked heading out into an industry we knew little about. We've tried and continue to try minimizing risks by asking questions of people who have a lot of experience doing the types of things we want to do. It's been a lifesaver for us and we're grateful for the wisdom that has helped minimize our risk when making big decisions. Finding smart people to answer questions has moved us forward safely more than anything else. It's been key to our success (and fewer backward steps).

Z: Can you name anything about running a business you know now but wish you had known when you were starting out?

LS: More often than not, it will often take longer than you think. We seem to have raging optimism and lofty ambitions that we daily need to reign in. From day one, our heads and hearts were light years ahead of where we are even today. A mixed blessing! We get impatient to meet goals but gain so much in getting there even if it does take a little longer than we thought.

Z: Are there any athletes' (role models) or business models that keep you focused on your company goals/vision for the future?

LS: We have such a wide range of inspiration to choose from and the pool of greatness grows continually. We both have friends who are amazing athletes who also have great careers. That is always a wonder. People like Arien O'Connell who surprised everyone at this year's Nike Women's Marathon in S.F. define inspiration. Arien is someone who quietly surprises us in the spotlight. She got there simply based on the love of what she does, who she is as a runner. That is both beautiful and uniquely powerful. From the business world, we've always had a fondness for Ben and Jerry's. Who ever thought you would get ethics, ice cream and a great plan for collective success? Admirable and delicious! We strive to be that kind of company. (Check out girls4sport website to see how they embrace the B&J model of philanthropy).

Z: Girls4Sport Foundation supports organizations and programs that provide girls of all ages with the skills, support and opportunity to lead active lives with confidence. In what ways does this branch of the organization inspire you?

LS: We get so many e-mails from people out there doing amazing things. E-mails that often bring tears to our eyes. For me personally, it reminds me that "female" and "athlete" are two words that didn't appear together until recent history. Pretty much within my lifetime. That continues to shock and amaze me. There were no great marathoners or triathaletes when my mom was a little girl. Who was her role model? It reminds me that we've got big ground to cover, time to make up, athletes of greatness yet to come. That fuels hope for me. As corny as it may sound, I'm deeply touched that the little girls of today have concrete proof, not just dreams and wondering, of accomplishing great things in both athletics, business, competition anything!

Z: You and Kim are both athletes and stay active surfing, mountain biking, running, hiking, swimming etc. Do you have any sport psychology tips that motivate you?

LS: For me, I always set a goal. Always a race or an event to strive for and frequently I'll focus on some type of goal for individual sessions if I'm lacking inspiration that day. There are some sports I do casually, like hiking, but without specific long term goals, I tend to sleep in a little longer, enjoy a few more treats, swim fewer laps, not do as many runs, I get a little lazy! Not only do goals keep me motivated but they keep me trying new things, new sports, new ways of doing things. I turn 40 this weekend and I hope I'm still dreaming up new goals when I'm 80!

Kim later add:

KR: Every phase of my life has had different levels of sports participation. Running a business and raising a little girl (both are 5 years old now!) keeps me busy and getting out and doing something for me refreshes my mind to take on new challenges not so much in sport but in life. What motivates me is simply staying fit, feeling good and clearing my mind so I can enjoy a healthy long life with my family.

Z: Happy Birthday Leanne...the "lazy"side of you is not a glaring part of your personality! Kim and Leanne, I look forward to continuing it's upward journey of growth, success and ongoing health!

Readers: *What motivating forces energize your sport/business goals? What are the motivating long and short term goals you are pursuing for sport and business success in 2009?

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