Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Chaos Breakthrough and the Space Between

Athletically moving into a higher level of competition or trying to integrate a new skill can create and impasse for players. For kids moving into the next level and playing with opponents with more advanced skill levels presents an exciting opportunity to improve. The player that was a stand out in high school now plays for a college team and needs to establish him/herself as a solid performer.

Some athletes become stuck at this stage. Breakthrough or being able to compete effectively at the next level may occur by becoming physically stronger, faster, increasing endurance. Mentally, the player needs to know, believe and perform the skills they are capable of performing regardless if they are competing against the top player or a player from the middle of the rankings. By this time player need to have skill in controlling their emotional energy.

During this transition some players become stuck and want to remain with their "winning style."Being steady in the 16's won't be enough of a weapon to compete against player's with bigger and more varied shot selections. Shifting into a different style of play can feel chaotic. Players will lose some matches as they shift into a new style of play. Losing can feel chaotic to players who are used to being in the final 4 most tournaments.

It takes time to adjust to new levels of competition. What was once familiar territory has shifted. The new level introduces new players who present a different set of skills to problem solve. Eventually when the player keeps working and developing he/she reaches a breakthrough point. The big match that is finally won. The shift to knowing that they have developed the skills necessary to compete and succeed against the bigger players.

The space between is the time it takes to move from the decision to change, knowing what to change and how to accomplish it, doing the work and finally achieving the shift. The space between is the time where players who stay positive, set goals, work towards their goals, have great support and the talent to move onto the next level level do their most interesting and poignant self development.